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Q&A: How to diet without feeling hungry?

Question: How to diet without feeling hungry?

Answer: It absolutely is possible to diet without feeling hungry, but the answer might surprise you. Because the real question instead of how to diet without feeling hungry, is how to lose weight without feeling hungry. And the answer to losing weight without feeling hungry is to actually stop dieting completely!

In fact the way to lose weight without dieting is quite a simple concept. You know those people who seem to be able to eat whatever they want and never put on weight? Their only difference is that the eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full.

How to diet without feeling hungry? The answer is simple and might surprise you!
How to diet without feeling hungry? Don't diet! Do this instead.

Perhaps you are like I used to be, always counting calories and restricting foods to try and lose weight. But what happens when we restrict too much is that our brain will automatically go into survival mode, thinking that it is in a time of famine, because it can't decipher between a famine and a diet. All it knows is that there is a lack of food. Because it perceives a famine, it will fight to survive, doing things like slowing our metabolism and making us more hungry to try and store as much fat as possible.

Perhaps you have experienced this where after a few weeks on a diet, your weight loss has stalled. This is your body fighting back to try and survive. Then when you inevitably run out of willpower fighting your hunger, not only do you consume more calories, but you also do it with a slowed metabolism. That's why the weight comes back on so quickly, and often you might have put on more weight than when you started.

So the answer to knowing how to diet without feeling hungry, or rather how to lose weight without feeling hungry, is instead to not diet but learn how to reconnect with your natural hunger and full cues. It's how I easily lost over 20kg and you can too.

If you want to learn how to easily lose weight without dieting and without feeling hungry, book your free call with me now!



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