Have you ever had a failed diet? Perhaps you've had experiences of lots of really "good" days, weeks or even months in a row, only to run out of willpower and have a diet fail.
I used to really struggle with sticking to diets then having days where the calories spiralled out of control. I tried so many different diets and always found myself eventually running out of willpower, putting the weight back on and then some.
The answer to a diet fail
For me, the answer has been to actually allow all foods. I learnt this through lots of personal experiences and studying for a masters in public health.
Lots of people don’t initially believe me when I say that you can lose weight eating whatever you want. And of course, overeating fast food every meal with junk snacks in between will not lead to weight loss.
However, when you allow yourself to eat anything, what you want changes in time. It’s the old “don’t think of an elephant” analogy. What do you do when someone says that? Think of elephants right, just as I’m doing now whilst writing this! 🐘
When you try to restrict certain foods, all you do is put them up on a pedestal and make them more desirable. It’s actually what can lead to binge eating, where you push so hard to restrict certain foods only to eventually run out of willpower and reach for whatever you’ve been craving.
The answer? Allow all foods, learn to savour the flavours by slowing down. Have your treat and really appreciate it. In time you will only desire higher quality treats and smaller amounts will satisfy you. This has been my secret sauce to the non dieting approach to losing weight.
If you want to find out more feel free to get in contact for a free virtual meal with me! I'm happy to hear about where you are at with your diet and weight struggles, then we will have a meal together where I will teach you the exact tricks I use to slow down my eating and stop overeating by tapping into my hunger and satiation cues!